Category: Uncategorized
January 2025
To get started on the prototyping for the semester, the team ordered all necessary parts within the first week of returing. The team did run into a couple issues with testing. First, the machine to test the piezoelectric material did not have the necessary output and ground cables, so these had to be ordered from…
Plan Going Forward
The team wrapped up phase 3 presentations this week, where the most imporant feedback recieved was regarding the force of the piezoelectric being significant enough to be a feasible acutation method. The teams number one priority going into phase 4 will be proving the displacement of the piezoelectric in the context of the design. The…
Alpha Prototype Progress
The parts the team ordered were delivered, and some preliminary testing was done to ensure the design is supported before moving forward. The hexagonal end pieces were sucessfully 3D printed using PLA, the structure which the piezoelectric material will adhere to was printed in ABS, and the piezoelectric material is soon to be tested. The…
November Progress
Determined exactly what piezoelectric material is good for prototyping. A cheap but functional material will be using for proof of concept. It is not safe for the human body, as it contains lead. However, there are versions of the same material that are biologically compatible for future iterations. This will likely not be used by…
October Progress
The largest roadblock the team has had so far was determining the actuation method that goes into the soft-body shell of the robot. After looking at several actuation methods, like magnetic or memory-alloy, the team settled on Piezoelectric material. With an applied current, the material deforms (shrinks and expands) which can contract the individual robot…